Palabras intraducibles
18 mayo, 2016
Discover the secret to happiness!
18 junio, 2016


Usamos la palabra “as” en lugar de “because”.

Ejemplo: No podemos seguir suministrándoles como han insistido en reducir los precios. O podemos usar “as” al principio de la frase, sin cambiar el sentido. As you have insisted on reducing prices, we will no longer be able to continue supplying you.

Usa la palabra “however” en lugar de “but”.

Ejemplo: La cotización bursátil ha caído un 5% recientemente. Sin embargo, creemos que habrá una subida dentro de nada. Otra palabra formal que se puede usar en vez de “but” o “however”, es “nevertheless”. Las ventas de producto son excelentes. Sin embargo, estamos preocupados por la subida de la competencia.


Use the word “as” instead of “because”.

Example: We will no longer be able to continue supplying you as you have insisted on reducing prices. Or we can use “as” at the beginning of a sentence, with the exact same meaning. As you have insisted on reducing prices, we will no longer be able to continue supplying you.

Use the word “however” instead of “but”.

Example: Share Price has fallen by 5% recently. However, we feel that there will be a rebound soon. Another formal word we can use for “but” or “however” is “nevertheless”. Example: Product sales are excellent. Nevertheless, we are concerned about the increase in competition.

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